i might be moving. my dad is petitioning for custody of me and my sisters today and that means my grandparents and him will be going to court. there is gonna be this big custody battle over us. what really makes me mad is that me and my sisters dont have any say at all in where we go. i wanna stay in coudy, even if that means living with my grandparents. i love my dad soooo much and it is going to hurt me excrutiatingly to tell him i do not want to live with him in rochester. what if he thinks i dont love him or something? i dont wanna hurt is feelings. omg.. but oh well. its selfish of him to want us to live with him in rochester if he knows we will be unhappy and miserable. but thats the thing, u see, he doesnt understand why we dont want to live in rochester. im so sad. i wish my dad would chose to live in coudy. oh God...
crap im being such a baby. i should not be moping over something like this. im such a freaking baby.
i will have to be dragged and physically forced to rochester if i have to move there.
somebody please call me...my number is 7936...love ya guys