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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

i bought some BUBBLE GUM

well today was better than yesterday. in chemistry, klingaman said mmmkay like a million times. one time he said it twice in a row. and then this other time kyla said it at the same exact time as he did. wow..i couldnt stop laughing. after school i had marching band practice. gresh changed are routine again, but im okay with it. after that i went to the soccer game. that was fun. after the soccer game i had an interesting conversation with lauren geiser (and yes ben, it did concern you). then i went home. now i am typing..wee. i havent talked to my dad in 3 days. im still really stressing over the whole situation. i try not to, but its very difficult. i will kill myself before i have to move to NY. well i must go. i have nothing to type about.
Musical Spiritual Intelligent Sailor Neptune
Ooooo! You are most like Sailor Neptune!
Deep and spiritual you are ruled by the tides and
have the soul of a musician, but that doesn't
mean you aren't a powerful fighter! You tend to
be more of a leader than a follower and you can
be independant if the opportunity arises. You
are a creative person and good at expressing
yourself, people admire you for that. You will
do anything for the person closest to you and
will put your friends before yourself. Aww, you

*~Which Sailor Scout are you most like? (New Pictures)~*
brought to you by Quizilla
hehe...i have blue hair.

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