You Are Lightning |
 Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing |
I wish something good was playing in the movies on friday, but its that stupid cheaper by the dozen thing. it looks gay, so i guess im in for another
action packed friday of watching freaking smallville with my sisters. woot! last night it was rather windy, and my mind was playing tricks on me. i kept thinking somebody was walking up the stairs. then i had nightmares. gotta love them nightmares, ya know it? listening to christian music right now. haha, it makes me think of dewayne for some reason. i miss my austinites sooo much. i cant wait until creation fest this year. its gonna be da shiz. omg today i was talking to mr.hathaway all seriously and stuff and all of a sudden shannon like, appears in the window with her face pressed against the glass. i almost died laughing.
i wish winter would end. its like, before christmas im all YAY SNOW and then after its like OH DANG ITS SNOWING. and i have been having an odd feeling lately that something huge and life altering is going to happen this year. and i think it is going to be something bad. i just dont really know what. and i keep having dreams about tornadoes. now i am NOT implying that i think coudersport will be devastated by a tornado. i heard somewhere that dreams of tornadoes were a sign of an unavoidable threat. i usually dont believe gay things like that, but sometimes i have dreams that are all symbolic and stuff and then when something happens the day after i analyze the dream and realize that the whole event had been in the dream, but symbolically. i dont know. if i am supposed to die before age 16 then it will happen this year. but that would be fun. i cant wait until i die. and i dont mean it like, oh i just wanna die now cuz i hate life. what i mean is, i think it would be an awesome experience to die. when i die, i wanna be fully conscious. and i wanna feel
every second of it.
You Are the Swedish Chef |
 "Bork! Bork! Bork!" Your happy and energetic - with borderline manic tendencies. No one really gets you. And frankly, you don't even get you. But, you sure can whip up a great chocolate mousse |
You Were a Koala

You value living life at a slow, peaceful, meditative pace.
You give insightful advice, helping others to overcome obstacles.
| a tad bit hungry. i think i shall eat some cookies. cookies are good.
you know, i have decided that i think too much. i dont think i will stop thinking the way i do. its just me. but i mean, i am always in my head, zoneing out and not listening to people or teachers. i think i am missing out on stuff. and i am also extremely observant. i look at every aspect of my life, pick things apart in my mind, and analyze it over and over again, finding patterns, creating theories... sometimes i cant enjoy regular life. something so simple as looking at a flower, for me, will all of a sudden be a deep contemplation on the number of its pedals, its chemical composition, where it came from, what a good name of the color of its pedals would be if its color matched that of a crayola crayon, etc.
... i just zoned out dammit. i was wondering who the hell came up with the word science, and who came up with the entire english language, then i pondered how all the different languages came to be.
i wonder if there is an equation for EVERYTHING. life, the universe, God and different dimensions and stuff.just plain existence. i wonder if there are actually different dimensions that we will never ever be able to get to.or if there could be this parallel universe that is really close to us but we have no access to it whatsoever.
and i have no doubt in my mind that time travel doesnt exist. it DOESNT and i hate when people think it does. time doesnt exist. it isnt some tangible thing. its a
measurement. once an event happens, that precise moment is gone. it isnt floating around somewhere. its gone and we can never go back to it. we can only remember it and record it and stuff.
i wonder what ghosts are. i have never seen an actual ghost. well i might have, but i still havent determined whether it was a ghost or my imagination. i
have had millions of encounters with some unwordly force (you could call it a ghost) in like, the first 11 years of my life, but i didnt actually
see the ghost. if ghosts exist, doesnt that totally contradict the bible? i should hate to contradict God. and i wonder if there is life on other planets. it would contradict the bible, but come on. the universe is HUGE. what are the odds of us being the only people inhabiting such a huge universe. and i wonder how big the universe really is.there cant simply be a dead end. that would mean that the universe is contained in something
bigger. and the universe cant be infinite. or maybe the universe is like, expanding at an incomprehensible speed, occupying all the space that this, i dont know, plane of existence or dimension has. and where the hell did God come from anyways? the bible says he has been there since the beginning of time. when was that? and what was there before the beginning of time? just space? or just
nothing? and what is
nothing like? just imagine if
nothing existed. not even a big empty space. just absolutely
nothing. and if there is a certain beginning of time, then how did God come into existence? he surely didnt create Himself. maybe God was created by an even higher being that not even
He knows about. but then where would the preceding God come from? and would the preceding God have made other universes and Gods that dont know about him or eachother in other dimensions? and would each of those Gods have made just one planet of life with the universe they were given like our God? and if they did, what would the people on that particular planet
be like?there is probably this whole universe out there that only God knows about. or the
preceding God,if there is one.maybe we arent meant to know these things. but i wish i knew EVERYTHING. i want to know EVERYTHING... it bothers me so much that i dont. maybe we will all find out when we die. and when i die, i think i should be quite unhappy in heaven. i dont like alot of light, and i despise Gold. and the bible says heaven is really bright and has roads paved with gold. thats disgusting. eww. and the whole idea of eternity is mind-boggling and a little scary. i would hate to live
forever. even if it was in total happiness. i would want to like, pass out of existence completely at some point in time.
In a Past Life... |
 You Were: A Ditzy Fortune Teller.
Where You Lived: South Africa.
How You Died: Natural causes. |
How You Are In Love |
 You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You tend to take more than give in relationships.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
Your Daddy Is OJ |
 What You Call Him: Daddy-o
Why You Love Him: He knows best |
Candy Cigarettes |
 You're a total badass, but you don't taste very good. |

You are that type of person that seem to always
have a magical feel to them. The one that
finds themself at peace when the lights are
not totally off and it's not all the way dark.
You are a Hopeless romantic at times.. Also
you most likely have a feel for the
paranormal or some supernatural thing. You
are known as a dreamer and day dreamer and
most likely find yourself in trouble alot
because of it. But you don't care because
you'll just go meditate on it and everything
in the world will once more be at peace..
Your Quote is...
Sweet is the dream, divinely sweet, when absent
souls in fancy meet.
-Sir Thomas More
What time of day are you? (with Beautiful Pics!) brought to you by QuizillaYou are at the range of 50-60. This means that
despite your age you are most likely wise
beyond your years.
How old is your soul? brought to you by Quizillamaybe i dont wanna die. i like earth. its nice. and i would hate to part with loved ones at the end of my life. will we get to see eachother in heaven? i certainly hope so. i would hate to part with you guys. but im afraid i shall have to right now. you see, i kinda gotta take a shower and do my homework. so i'll cya'll later.